When you apply for a job in Europe there are many rules. Jobs in Europe have different demands for job seekers. But here we show how we help you every step of the way. We have made an easy step-by-step image and also share info about each part of the plan. Joining our workers’ team in Estonia is easy!

Step 1: Recruiter contacts you about the job you wanted
When you search for work in Europe, it is easy to find with Hansawork. You fill in a form for the jobs that you want, then Hansawork recruiter contacts you. They asks you about your work skills and work experience. This chat will help us understand if you are good for the job. If you are a good candidate, then comes Step 2.
Step 2: Documents for work and travel will be organized
To come work in Europe – and to come work in Hansawork – you always need to have:
- A passport
- A photo of yourself
- A CV
- An email address
- A phone number
We will help organize a work permit and a work visa.
It can take 3 weeks to 2 months to get a work permit + 2-4 weeks to get a work visa, depending on the embassy.
Step 3: You plan your trip to Estonia and we will welcome you in Estonia
When the visa, work permit and your other documents are ready, we start organizing the transport – from your home country to Estonia. We will decide when you will arrive in Estonia. When you arrived in Estonia, we will welcome you in our office. You will always have a Hansawork contact who you can call or write to if you need support.
Step 4: You will be trained (for free) according to EU standards
In Estonia, before we find a job for you, you will join our onboarding program – professional training and learning about life in Estonia. Why? This program helps you start your life living and working in Estonia: we will explain to you the Estonian work culture, facts about the country and our traditions. For example, Estonia is a small country; Estonians enjoy privacy; we are quiet, but friendly people; and so on).
If you wanted to work as a specialist (TIG welder, MIG/MAG welder, CNC operator) for Hansawork:
Then we will train your skills (for free). All workers’ skills must meet EU standards, so that is why we train new workers. We will test what skills you have in your specialty. We also teach new skills, if needed. In addition, you will learn work safety rules – safety is very important to us. When you find a job in Europe you will always get a work safety training.
Step 5: You will meet your personal manager and go to your new living space
If the training part is done, you get to meet your personal manager – he will help you settle in properly in your new home and work place. Your personal manager:
- will take you to your new living space – show you where are the kitchen, bathroom and washing machine
- will show you where your room is, give you a clean blanket and a pillow
- shows you where are the nearest shops, food markets and bus stop
- answer any questions you have about your living space
- answer any questions you have about your professional skills and work place
Step 6: We offer you a job and give you a test trial in the new working space
When we have tested and trained you, we can see how strong you are as professional worker. This way we can find you a job position at a work place that suits you. We can take you to do a test day at the potential new working place. This way we can see if you fit into the new workplace. You should be able to
- do your job tasks well
- follow safety rules
- be a polite and hardworking worker
Step 7: We will introduce you to your new job and give you work equipment
Now the most important part of your journey starts: you wanted to find a job in Europe, come to Estonia, start work in a great industry and now you are here. If your test day in the working place was successful, you will officially start your work career in Estonia!
Your personal manager will help you prepare for your first day: he will give you work clothes, boots, and equipment (glasses, gloves, footwear, etc) if your work needs it. Then your personal manager will drive you to your new work place and give you a full introduction around the place. You will be introduced to your direct supervisor.
Your personal manager will show you how to get to work and home by bus. A bus map and a bus schedule are given to you, if your living space is far from the workplace.
Step 8: You can keep contact with your personal manager for support
You personal manager is available for you all time you work in Estonia – during working hours. You can call their number 9:00-17:00 Mon-Fri or text them on the phone. The personal manager can also call you if they need information. We will help in every way we can, because when our workers are happy then our company is strong and gets best results!