Working in Europe in different countries has given Irina and Sergei a lot of experience – in life and at work. Now they think that they have changed their lives for the better, because they are working in Estonia. They have seen many positive sides that did not come out when they were working in other European countries like Poland. Irina sums it up: “Working in Estonia, we feel safe and secure about tomorrow. Working for Hansavest, everyone can be trusted – we always get everything that they promise us.”
In 2019, Irina and Sergei had a good reason to start thinking about working in Europe – somewhere else than their homecountry. They did not find good work in their hometown of Vinnitsa, Ukraine. They found out that a coworker’s friend has been working in Estonia for many years. The friend had applied for a job on the Hansawork page, and then a Hansavest recruiter called and offered a great job.
Irina and Sergei had been scammed by employers before so they were a bit scared to apply. But when they heard about how the friend really liked working in Estonia and had been working there for years, they decided to give it a change. They asked for the link to Hansawork webpage and thought: “If we apply and do not like it, we can always say no to the recruiter.”
Safe information and helpful people who are happy to explain
Irina and Sergei applied in the Hansawork page and soon after got a call from a Hansavest recruiter who they talked to about their work experience. They exchanged information and the recruiter started organizing documents for work and travel.
They arrived in Estonia and a Hansavest employee welcomed them and showed them to their living space and helped them with any questions they had – where is the food market, how does the washing machine work, where the kitchen is, what time do they have to be ready for work and so on.
Irina and Sergei wanted a job in the woodwork industry. They had a lot of experience in it while they were working in Europe. So Hansavest found them jobs at the EcoBirch factory, where glulam boards are produced for furniture, windows and stairs. The work methods were explained in a friendly manner. “How a simple piece of wood turns into a beautiful, necessary product makes me feel happy,” says Irina, whose whole family has worked in the wood industry.
Living is made easy
Irina and Sergey did not fear that going to work could be difficult, because they could walk from their Hansavest’s apartment to the factory. Distances are short in Estonia and public transport works regularly. Factory workers buy cars more in order to arrange their free time more comfortably.
For the first year they lived in the accommodation Hansavest offered. It was cheap and had everything necessary for living – kitchen, washing machine, TV, closets, beds and so on. However, then Irina and Sergey decided to start living as a couple in a private apartment. So in December 2021, Irina and Sergei moved to a new 2-room apartment, where they are now happy. Working in Europe has many benefits, but the couple did not expect that the easiest would be to start living and working in Estonia.
Living and working in Europe and promises that come with it
You can think about your hobbies while earning a good salary. Sergei dreams of skydiving and they have an idea to travel to Switzerland or France. On weekends, they drive their car to the forest to rest in their favorite place, go swimming or hiking. Locals are used to the beautiful nature, but people coming from other places notice that nature is preserved in Estonia and there is a lot of greenery in the cities.
In Estonia, Russian and English are both spoken by Estonians, so there are no problems when you want to ask something at work, on the bus stop or at the shops.
“A girl I know went to work in Estonia for a short time, but soon she married an Estonian man and now her home is here,” says Irina. They themselves have not yet finally decided if they want to stay in Estonia for a longer period of time. But they are happy right now to be working in Estonia for Hansavest – they know that their wishes and needs will be heard by their personal manager in Hansavest, and together they will come up with the best solution. They have also already shared Hansawork webpage link to other friends who are working in Europe, so they can also join them in Estonia and work in a great place.